Saturday, December 12, 2009

Congratulations To Marriage Is The Catholic Church Seriously Threatening To Stop Helping Homeless People If Gay Marriage Becomes Legalized?

Is the Catholic Church seriously threatening to stop helping homeless people if gay marriage becomes legalized? - congratulations to marriage

As you may have heard, gay marriage may be legal in Washington during the day. The Catholic Church is a desperate effort to promote early hatred agenda threatened the church for the homeless assistance programs in the cities, if approved cut. Fortunately, the legislature rejected the claims of the Catholic Church, the Church has noted programs are funded with public funds audited. Interestingly, the Church acts as the money comes from his own pocket.

In advance: Congratulations to same-sex couples DC! Happy marriage at all! :-)


roccopap... said...

Some answers the need for a correction:

1) Frank S said: "No - I believe the Christian propaganda."
Yes, Frank is right. The following was reported Friday, 13th November 2009

The Catholic Church in DC: Screw the needy, we hate homosexuals more
Catholic Church presents an ultimatum DC

The Catholic Archdiocese of Washington, said Wednesday he could not be in a position to social services programs that are running for the district if the city does not change a bill for same-sex marriage, a threat that could affect tens of thousands of people remain in the church help the acquisition, homelessness and health.

Under the bill went to the DC Council vote next month, religious organizations are not obligated to do or to make room for same-sex marriages. But they must obey city laws against discrimination against gays and lesbians.

It seems that once again the Catholic Church prefers to impose its morality, to show their humanity.

Nice. Exercise Em "and be done with them after you orAll clothes tattooed diddle internet for children and their agents in the prison with a brief look at the front can be.

2) FRANCISCO4720 wrote: "Same-sex laws are wrong, if you do not love enough to marry, too."

Would you extend your thoughts on all heterosexuals, too? .

3) VERITATUM17 wrote: "Not really. With the proposed scheme, the DC Council threatens the funding of social service programs with the Catholic Church to cut connected when the Church is not his opposition to extending benefits reserved for same-sex couples .

FALSE. In fact, you have had the opposite! Is the Catholic Church, which threatened the participation in all social service programs anymore! If your facts.

Justin said...

Not entirely, no.

The Catholic Church has threatened to cease to do social charity for the city if they would be forced to not use things like health insurance for same-sex couples under.

Note that the 10 million U.S. dollars from the money the church will be dedicated to these programs probably spent every year Woud just stop accepting money from the government. What would happen, it would be less support for the homeless until the other DC's neighbor are willing, could find their money

The church does not like money that comes from their own pockets. Quite the contrary. They say they will stop taking money from the government when the law passed.

And the excellent article can be found here:


Veritatu... said...

Not really. With the proposed scheme, the DC Council threatens the funding of social service programs with the Catholic Church to cut connected when the Church is not his opposition to extending benefits of the same sex repealed.

This is a First Amendment issue, not a question of "hateful and mean-spirited agenda." And he will go to court.

Veritatu... said...

Not really. With the proposed scheme, the DC Council threatens the funding of social service programs with the Catholic Church to cut connected when the Church is not his opposition to extending benefits of the same sex repealed.

This is a First Amendment issue, not a question of "hateful and mean-spirited agenda." And he will go to court.

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