Friday, February 5, 2010

Gonnorhea Women Herpes Scare Or Something Else, Please Read!!!?

Herpes scare or something else, please read!!!? - gonnorhea women

Hello, I am a 20 years old man early August 2009 had reports vaginally ((with condom) with a woman about 11:00 clock) the next day knew, was a big bump on my pubic area and I hit a thick pus Left yellow. I was afraid, and in 2 weeks I received gonnococal for everything but herpes testing (since no lesions), HIV / chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhea, and urethritis. Test results are negative, but I felt a tingling in my scrotum and itchyness my genitals. During 2 months rashes appeared black moles (similar to Kaposi's sarcoma) appeared on the back and 2 small black dots on the palm of his left hand and the underside of the left foot, my whole body is also my back was itching and tingling and my scrotum has, my whole body started with muscle spasms and fasiculations in several places such as knees, arms and legs, and calves .. I went to the doctor, after 1 month and got the blood test for herpes, and evidence of other sexually transmitted diseases, and tests were againnegative for HSV2 and all reagents and non-HSV-1-positive. Today I showed my doctor again Rashed and syphilis.

My question is: What do you think can happen to me? Eruptions continue to come and now I have on my chest, I'm scared and I feel left in the dark. Please tell me what you think you could, thank you.


LINDSEY S said...

It could be a bacterial infection, or if she was bitten while she had a cold sore can do more. Use a condom because there is less risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease.
Most people have HSV1, often leading to sores in the mouth can occur, however, elsewhere in the body. But if it's just a blood test, you do not know when a break occurs. You may have HSV1 on your genitals. I believe that syphilis may be the wrong answer, I think the doctor should the outbreak of herpes test.

curator said...

Perhaps you have a panic attack because of the unknown. Sexually transmitted diseases in general not obvious within 24 hours. You connect the bump with sex, but it may very well independently. Other things related to sex can. Since the tests are negative, do not understand why a biopsy of the rash itself, which he tries to prove instead that what is not.

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