Saturday, January 23, 2010

Small Cottage Designs I'm Looking For A North London Housing Estate That Has Very Very Small Kitchens?

I'm looking for a north London housing estate that has very very small kitchens? - small cottage designs

If I LCC/1920 Guy. I specialize in design and equipment for the kitchen is very small, this property eloods me i'v been twice measured twice 2, said that the owners could conceive of space, thus creating small, i'v now in the hands of this business and me.
The houses were built in the style of the building blocks 1920'o London motald dark, I remember there was a lot of privet and open green spaces PLEASE HELP


cheeky said...

H Ha Ha, not much in the next step.
Apartments in the kitchen of a farm north of London is very, very small

cheeky said...

H Ha Ha, not much in the next step.
Apartments in the kitchen of a farm north of London is very, very small

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